Which Duct Shape is Most Efficient for Air Transport?

When it comes to transporting air, round ducts are usually the most efficient option. They require less material than rectangular ducts, yet can still handle the same amount of air. Rectangular ducts, on the other hand, are designed to fit into building construction. In many cases, round metal ducts are more cost-effective than rectangular metal ducts.

For starters, rectangular ducts are typically manufactured with two Pittsburgh joints. This means two L-sections of a rectangular duct are joined together to form a single piece of duct. The gaskets used to seal the joints create an airtight connection between the fan coil and the main duct of the air conditioning system. Additionally, round ducts require fewer expensive joints in the field and less sealing due to their longer lengths.

Rectangular ducts

offer better sealing capabilities to increase efficiency in certain systems.

It's also worth noting that a rectangular duct with an aspect ratio of 4 to 1 costs 30 percent more than a rectangular duct with an aspect ratio of 1 to 1.Round air duct joints are more difficult to connect and require HVAC contractors to seal them more tightly. So what are the differences between oval and rectangular ducts? And why do rectangular ducts seem to have an edge? The American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) has developed a set of guidelines for determining maximum airflow rates in a duct system based on the location of the ducts. This helps explain why rectangular ducts may be preferred in certain applications. As an expert in HVAC systems, I can confidently say that round metal ducts are usually the most efficient option for transporting air. Additionally, they require fewer expensive joints in the field and less sealing due to their longer lengths. However, it's important to note that rectangular ducts offer better sealing capabilities and may be preferred in certain applications. When deciding which type of duct shape is most efficient for your HVAC system, it's important to consider your specific needs and budget.

Round metal ducts are usually more cost-effective than rectangular metal ducts, but they may not be suitable for all applications. Rectangular ducts may be preferred if you need better sealing capabilities or if you're working with a limited budget.

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